
The British system of education


Educational system in Great Britain

The nowadays British system of education is quite new, from 1990s. It gives parents more choices to choose the schools and it makes further and higher education more economically available to large numbers of people.
All children between 5 to 16 must get full-time education.
Pre-schools and primary education is provided by nursery and primary schools. About 50 per cent of 3 and 4 year-old children attend nursery, day-care centers or other pre-school play groups, mostly organized by parents. At the age of 5 they go to kindergartens – they learn to draw, paint or use musical instruments but also to read, write and little count. At seven many children move to primary schools where the work is more systematic.
The usual age for transfer from primary to secondary education is 11. They can attend all-inclusive Comprehensive schools, which give children all abilities and provide a wide range of secondary education. Others are Grammar schools which entered pupils on the bases of their abilities. Grammar schools offer a mainly academic education for the 11 to 18 year age.
Subjects taught at school are given by the national curriculum: English, Maths, Science, Technology, History, Geography, Music, Art, PE, foreign languages and optional religious education or technical and vocational education.
At the age 7, 11, 14, there are four grades, which a pupil must pass during the school attendance and an assessments of tests show how the children study. The principal examination at about the age 16 is the General Certificate of Secondary Education which is required for most jobs and further vocational training.
At about 30 per cent of 18- and 19-year people receive some form of full-time higher education. Higher education institutions include universities, teacher training colleges and other colleges of technology, art and medicine. Those who do not study at the universities can be trained in business, law, banking, manufacturing, service industry or any other specials collages.

Great Britain has 46 universities which can be divided into three groups
I.    Oxford and Cambridge – “Oxbridge” – they are the oldest and the most famous and prestige universities in UK, in Scotland there is a an Glasgow and Aberdeen
II.    “Redbrick universities” – were founded in 19th century – in London or Manchester, these schools provided some technological training in industrial areas
III.    The new universities founded after 1960s – in Bristol, Sussex, Kent, and during 1990s.

Educational system in the Czech Republic

The nowadays Czech system of education is quite new from the beginning of the 1990s and it was several reorganized during last years.
The school attendance is from 6 to 15 years and all children must pass full-time basic education.
Pre-schools education is provided by nursery for 6 months to 3 years children. At the age of 4 children go to kindergartens. Not many babies attending nursery in our republic because mothers usually stay with them at home till their school years. At the age of 6 children move to basic schools.
Basic schools provided all-inclusive comprehensive education. In the 5th class pupils can go to the 8 years Gymnasiums.
Middle schools provided children secondary education. Four-years “Gymnasiums” offer a mainly academic education; popular are also 4 year Business economical schools. Other types of education are 3, 4 or 5 years industrial, vocational and special institutions and schools such as technical, agriculture, languages or preparing for practical professions.
All schools fallow the national curriculum which can be changed by the school headmaster. The main school subjects are Czech language, Maths, Science, History, foreign languages, Geography, Music, Art, PE etc. The principal examination is the leaving examination at the secondary study. We have quite a lot of private middle schools and the Church schools and institutions, but they are rare.
Quite a lot of students, especially secondary educated in gymnasiums, go to study some form of higher education. “High” education institutions include both humanistic and science universities and other specials colleges: technology, music, art, medicine, business, law, banking, manufacturing, service industry. The most prestige universities are Charles’s University in Prague, Masaryk’s University in Brno and Palacky´s University in Olomouc.
People who pass the graduation examination at the end of 3rd year of study have a degree Bachelor. They can study further to get the degree Magister. They can further study for their Doctorate degree.

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