
Education, Schools and School Life

-    Based on your own experience: Did you attend kindergarten?
-    At what age did you start to attend elementary school? Subjects
-    Studying at secondary schools, apprentice centres etc.
-    Promotion to university, entrance exams …
-    Educational system in Great Britain, in the USA
-    Making comparisons, finding differences and similarities
-    Describe our school, your classroom, your timetable, your favourite lessons and subjects
-    Name famous Czech, British and American universities
-    My future career

Czech system
Before primary school – kindergarten, then at the age of 6 – primary school (end at the age of 11 or 15), then secondary school (15-19).

*in UK public school means private school!!!
Before the age of 3 there are crèches [kreš] /jesličky/, baby-sitter (teenager looks after the child), or child minders (au-pairs, nanny /chůva/ - for example princess Diana, because of her it became popular).
o    Pre-school (crèches, kindergarten, childminders) – when child is younger than five
o    Primary school (second stage; 5-11) – it starts at the age of five. First year isn’t too difficult to do – it’s a bit of playing, children learn how to read and write, some numbers, they draw a lot at the beginning.
  Infant school (5-7) – they concentrate on 3 Rs – reading, writing, arithmetic  
 Junior school (7-11) they still have English, math, geography, history, music, art, physical, no chemistry, physics. They start with a foreign language (French)
*LEA – Local Educational Authority – is a body that controls (looks after) the education, most of the state schools are controlled; they appoint teachers, headmasters, etc.
o    Secondary school (11-16/18) there are some changes in system, but everybody goes to secondary school
  grammar schools (our gymnasiums) - there are Latin grammar school, more languages /většinou státní, kladen důraz na další vyšší vzdělání/
 comprehensive (=all in) schools – they don’t support talented people much, teacher-housemaster is responsible for a part of a house, people don’t pay a fee, near housing estates.

At the age of 16 there is big exam GCSE (General certificate of secondary education). Everybody has to do it. It’s in 6 or 7 subjects (often English and math; chemistry, French, history, geography, ...). After you pass GCSE, you leave school and go to work or you can study at university. Most students continue at school, but GCSE is not enough to study university.
6th Form – you study subjects you choose (usually 3 or 4) for 2 years, students don’t wear uniforms.
At the age of 18 they do exams A levels in 3 or 4 subjects, some people have just 2 A-levels and AS-levels (advance supplementary, /na nižší úrovni/)

They are planning some changes, because a lot of people are unemployed after secondary school. Special school – a lot of students with miserable results at the age of 18.

Private system:

o    Prep (=preparatory) – children at the age of seven
o    Public school (private secondary school) – private school, for example Eton [i:tn], Rugby. As soon as the child is born, you en-roll /zapsat/ it. You have to pay a fee (a lot of money). There are two types: a day-pupil (go home after the lesson) and boarding system (you live there, children of parents who work abroad and so on). First public school (single-sex schools) for boys was St Peter’s in 627, for girls it was St Paul’s in 1509.
Rugby – it’s private, independent school. It’s situated in the area Warwickshire, it was founded in 1527. The game rugby was invented here. In the past there studied Lewis Carrol (he wrote Alenka v říši divů), and Chamberlain (British prime minister in the beginning of the 2WW)
Three terms: beginning in September – Christmas (then 3 weeks holiday), January – Easter (break for 3 weeks), they finish in the middle of July (6 weeks in summer).
School day: they start usually at 9 o’clock, finish at 3 or 4 p.m., they have a big lunch break for an hour – some of them can go home.
PTA – Parent Teacher Association
House assembly – all of the students meet there (something about 150 children) – English, math, science, languages, art, design
Teachers always go in staffroom /sborovna/, before the lesson there is briefing.
They have usually 5 lessons per day. One lesson lasts 55 minutes. Pupils are often in groups of 25-30. 8:30 – assembly. 9:15-10:10 – lesson, 10:15-11:10 – lesson, 11:10 – 15 minutes break, 11:25-12:20 – lesson, 12:20 – lunch break (they have to pay for lunch, but there are free meals if your parents are unemployed or so on; the meals aren’t healthy, but they have it, because they would go to a chip shop next to the school), 13:30-14:25 – lesson, 14:25 – 15 minutes break (?), at 15:30 they finish.
Exams are usually in 7 subjects. You can become six formers; even you don’t have good results → resit /znovu na zkoušku/

University education
University, college /nástavba, vyšší odborná/, polytechnics (=technical college, provides education to technical subjects)
There are forty-six (forty-seven) universities in UK, each university is established by Royal Charter (Oxford, Cambridge ...) or by the Act of Parliament (they passes kind of law).
There are 3 types: Oxbridge, Redbrick universities, New universities
OXBRIDGE – Oxford and Cambridge are two oldest universities in Britain. Oxford is the oldest, it was established in 12th century (1167,1169). Cambridge is a bit younger, there was a problem in Oxford between students and teachers, so they left and established in 1209 Cambridge.
System: They consist of colleges – they are independent, you have there usually lessons, they live there, have big dining-room, rooms for students, for teachers, chapel...
Dons/tutor/fellow – tak se říká profesorům
Degrees: BA (Bachelor [bejčelə] of Arts) – 3 years; MA (Master of Arts) – 4-5 years. BSc (Bachelor of Science), MSc (Master of Science) – technické, MD /doktor/, MVD /veterinář/, PhD /doctor filosofie/, DiS /diplomovaný specialista/, doctor → professor (není docent)
In the past there were men, they couldn’t get married. Nowadays there are 40 colleges in Cambridge. College has 400 students. In Cambridge there is for example St John’s College (Henry VIII.) or King’s College. In Oxford there is for example Christ Church College.
Dormitory or halls of residence /koleje/
REDBRICK UNIS - built of red bricks, while Oxford and Cambridge used grey stone. At the beginning of 19th century – industry, in England only 2 unis, while in Scotland 4 – St Andrew (1411). They needed educated people to work. The first one was established in 1832 (19th century) – Durham (cathedral town, north England, not far from York), the Uni of London, Bristol Uni, Liverpool, [šefíl], ...
NEW UNIS – established after 2 WW (after 1945), based on campus system. Campus is very large space with many building, different walls of residence, different colleges, restaurants, ... For example University of Exitor (?). Lucky Gim is a campus novel, it’s situated on Uni and about young teacher, who stays there and falls in love. He has to prepare a special speech about merry England, he gets very drunk, and he has to get the job.
Buckingham Uni – 1976, private university (the only one).

OPEN UNIVERSITY – a chance for older people interested in some subjects, you work, based on correspondence (you do tasks, homework, ...). They go to meeting (even for two weeks) in summer /párkrát ročně se prostě sejdou/, it takes 8 years, you can get a degree.

In Scotland there are 8 unis, the oldest one is St Andrew’s. Universities are in Glasgow, Edinbrough (one of the best), Abendeen.
Cardiff – Wales – 4 places, Federative Uni.
Northern Ireland – 2 unis: Uni of Belfas, Queen’s University

*public school means state school, private school is private school!!!
o    Pre-school: nursery-schools or day care (au-pairs, child-minders, babysitters, ...)
o    At the age of 5: primary education: elementary school, first year of elementary school at kindergarten – drawing, activities...; it’s called 12K system (K means kindergarten, after the year there are 12 more grades) – elementary school = first 6 grades
o    Junior high school (7th and 8th grade) – sometimes called “middle school”
o    High school (9th – 12th grade)

Federal government gives money to states → schools, but the states are responsible for curriculum (which subjects, certifications, exams, ...). States have Boards of Education – they choose head masters, teachers.
PTA = Parent and Teacher association; they help schools (for example – school trip – you help the teacher, not only financial things)
Quality of education: 80% end it with graduation exam (high schools, it ends at the age of 18)

Pupils have just one teacher in elementary school, different teachers in high school (?). Lessons start at 8:30 in the morning, till 15:30. Special break = recess (they can go outside and play – there are playgrounds).
Subjects: 3 R (reading, writing, arithmetics), geography and history and creative activities (art, drama, music, PE).
After elementary school junior school, 9th grade – secondary school (different teachers who specialized in different subjects, more subjects: physics, science). After-class activities – extra activities after school, in summer courses.
Social life: big ceremony is graduation exam. Social events – parties during the school year, Homecoming and Prom. Homecoming is a special party, for these who graduated high school, they come back to school every year, they meet there their old friends, they dance, drink. Graduates /absolventi/ meet only their school-mates = class reunion. Homecoming – whole school, football game. Prom is for those students, who are going to graduate or who are one year younger, or for those who just graduated, it’s very posh.
SAT is graduation exam = scholastic aptitude test, students graduate at the age of 18, after K12. They put crosses and ticks. It’s written in spring, results come by the post, usually English, math and subjects you choose.
Harvard is the oldest, it was established in 1630’s, it’s situated in town called Cambridge (suburb of Boston, connected by subway). Yale, the University of Mexico city.

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