
Gret Britain history

The first inhabitans in british isles were the celtic people 800 BC. They built a lot of monuments and some of them have been preserved (zachovat se), for example stonehenge. Two centuries later They were followed by the brythons or ancient (starověkký) britons after whom the country was called britain.
In 55 BC was the first roman invasion by julius caesar. But the british people stood up (odolat) to invasion for 90 years, but they were conquered (zdolat) by emperor claudius in 43 nl. Although the roman occupation lasted (trvat) for 400 years, the british people didnt adopt the latin language and didnt displace (vytlačit) the celtic.
 In 5th century came three germanic tribes (kmen) – the Angles, saxons and jutes. From scandinavia  came the vikings and this invasion continued till the 11th century. This period can be characterised as a period from tribe to feudal organisation of society. The period of feudalism lasted to the 15th century. In this time the english nation and language came into being. It was period of faiting between kings and nobles (šlechta), frequent were wars and suffering (utrpení). But it was also time of trade (obchod) and the end of feudalism prepared england for a rise (růst) as a Word power.
Other period was known as tudor period. The two famous rulers were henry VIII and elizabeth I., and in the elizabethan age england became one of the leading powers. Henry had six wifes and and five mistresses and he prefered absolutism. Elizabeth first didnt have any children and for that she was called virgin queen. For her all life she cared about country.
In the 17th century grew the conflict between king and parliament and that was reason for the civil war in the in 1640, which resulted in the abolition of the monarchy and the head of this revolution was john cromwell and this was also end for english bourgeoise revolution. In 1603 – 1707 was created the personal union of sckottland and england, because to 1660 it was a republic. In 1707 was created the great britain from england and scottland.
In the 17th and 18th century england was the best at european commerce and this was the preparing for the industrial revolution. During the industrial revolution britain became the first industrial power in the world.
The anglo – french rivalry for world domination culminated in the napoleonic wars – 19th c. the victorian era, called after queen victoria, was a period in which britain became the strongest world power,  the greatest financial and commercial power, the greatest sea power and the greatest colonial power, it was era of colonial expansion.
In 1801 was created the united kingdoom from great britain and ireland, but in 1921 the ireland was the free state and united kingdom was from great britain and the north ireland. Now the queen is Elizabeth second from Windsors dynasty. 

Great Britain
Official name is United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The United Kingdom consists of four historical and geographic parts - Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capital city of Wales is Cardiff, in Scotland it is Edinburgh, in England it is London and the capital city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
The population of Great Britain is nearly 60 million. There live the English, the Scottish, the Irish, the Wales and  the Ulster – it is Indian, Pakistan, Jews, Italian, Chinese and so on.  The majority of people speak English.
The first inhabitants who came to this land were settlers from Europe. The name Britannia came from Romans who occupied the country.  Then the country was occupied both by Vikings from Scandinavia and Normans.
The capital city of whole Britain is London. It has a population of around 10 million people. It lies on the river Thames. There are many important monuments. For example places of interest in London are Tower Bridge, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, the London is home of the Queen, Hyde Park, the residence of the prime minister, etc. There is a centre of political and administrative life in London, which is the city of Westminster. There are Houses of Parliament rebuilt in gothic style, there is also the famous Big Ben.
 Besides these capitals there are many big cities such as Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow etc.

Apart from the land border with the Irish republic, the United Kingdom is surrounded by sea. From continental Europe it is separated by the English Channel. The North Sea lies to the east. The Irish Sea separated Great Britain from Ireland, while south-western England, the north-western coast of  Northern Ireland, and western Scotland face the atlantic Ocean.
The country can be divided into two regions – Highland and Lowland.
The highland zone consists of groups of mountains:
The main mountains regions are in the North and East of Britain. The higest mountains are the Highlands of Scotland with the higest mountain Ben Nevis.
The lowland zone is flat and rolling, there are many limestone or chalk hills, but the best known of these are the chalk cliffs facing European mainland.
Lakes are numerous in the Lake District, the largest being Windermere, and in the Highlands of Scotland, the most famous is the Scottish Loch Ness because the legends surrounding it. The most important river is the Thames, which flows through London; the others are The Severn or The Trent.
The UK is really good at football. The football has a big tradition in the UK. The most well-know and the best teams in the UK are Liverpool, Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal or Glasgow Rangers.
Places to visit in Great Britain
GB is very rich in monuments. On this area is about 27 UNESCO.
Between the most popular places in GB evidently belongs The Stonehenge. It is an arrangement of a big stones. The function of this place is still unclear. The most likely theory is the sacrificial function.
Another interesting thing is Hadrian`s Wall. It was a defensive fortification in northern England. Begun in AD 122, during the rule of emperor Hadrian, it was the first of two fortifications built across Great Britain, the second being the Antonine Wall, lesser known of the two because its physical remains are less evident today.
Caernarvon castle is too very big touristic attraction. King Edward I, known as Longshanks, ringed Wales with castles, in the 13th century, as a way of subduing the rebellious Welsh and cementing English power over them. He intended Caernarvon Castle to be a Royal residence and the seat of his government in North Wales.

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