
World of Work and Money

Well, firstly I want to graduate from this high school. The best of all will be if I graduate with four A grades. My profile subjects are Czech, English, Maths and Biology. Then I want to attend the medical university in Olomouc or in Brno or Prague. In Olomouc I don’t have to sit entrance exams with my school reports. Some people think that studying in Olomouc is better than in Brno, some of them not. So I want to Olomouc because it is nearer.

My choice of career was influenced by my parents, grandparents and the world. At first I wanted to become a film editor or cameraman or director or something like that. My grandpa works in the theatre; he is an actor and an artistic principal. My grandma is a theatre hint. And also I love films as you can see in my covering letter and my CV. now I want to become a doctor; my father is a doctor with a blood vessel specialization and my mother is a nurse. They both work in private health centre in Frýdek. And I think I could be a good doctor; this occupation has a sense.

My job is one of the most difficult jobs, I think. All of the jobs has it own sense, none of them is worse than the other. But everybody can not become a doctor. Doctor has to be teachable and reliable and has to have a good memory to remember plenty of information. It could be varied because the people have different diagnosis and different diseases and illnesses. And of course it is challenging because I don’t like easy points.

The necessary qualifications are these: graduating from the high school, graduating in Czech and also the entrance exams in Science which includes Biology, Physics and Chemistry. If you have the average of your grades of your school reports better than 1.2, you don’t have to sit these exams. But of course you can’t be under line.

The necessary personal qualities are: good memory for learning plenty of information, reliability and responsibility because you can’t hurt or injure your patient due to your ignorance, then sociability because you meet many people every day and you must get on well with them. You have to be patient and teachable because you must learn many books and plenty of information.

Yes, I have a credit card. I have to remember my password and I can’t have the password written in my pocket because if I lost it, everybody would be able to use it and steal my money. I can’t lose it. But it is a very good thing because I don’t want to panic when I don’t have enough money by myself and I really need to pay. It is possible to pay abroad. And almost you can pay on the internet. But the shops where you can pay with your credit card are usually more expensive.

I am saving for my life. I will never know when I need money. That’s why I am saving – for the future. And I am saving for my girlfriend as well. We are planning our future together. And if we have our own household, I will have to housekeep and buy all the equipment and furniture that the household needs. I don’t have a driving license yet, so I am not thinking of buying a car yet. But in the future – if I have enough money and if I need a car, I will buy it.

I really don’t know what to think about the Euro. And I don’t know if our economy is prepared and ready for such a huge change because of the worldwide crisis and recession. It would be a novel feeling. Firstly we won’t know what is expensive and what cheap. So it will bring a mess. But it will be great if we don’t have to change our money travelling abroad.

In the past there were not as many jobs as now are. The most of people worked in agriculture or later in manufacturing, some worked as craftsmen and only few reigned or were in religion’s service.
The most of people currently works in services, not as farmers or labourers. They work as clerks, drivers, vendors, barbers, doctors, teachers, scientists  and in billions of another professions. When you want to work anywhere, you have to have proper education, of course. It’s not general rule, but more the better your education is,  you’ll get better paid. That’s one of the reasons why I study and why I want to study yet another few years, although many of my contemporaries go to work just after final exams.
Well, when I don’t want to be unemployed, I have to go and find some job. There are advertisements in newspapers, but the best and most actual offer I can find on internet. I can find there some part-time jobs, too.
So, imagine, I have found some good vacancy and I want to apply for it. I have to write a letter of application = covering letter. I should enclose my curriculum vitae as well. If they accept it, they invite me to personal interview or to some tests.
I should look seriously, so I have to wear something like jacket, tie and a shirt. They give me some questions. To be honest, I have never been on any serious work interview, so I can only imagine it.
On the first day in a job (and other days as well):
o    Be friendly,
o    Don’t wear  very informal clothes or heavy make-up
o    Be kind and cooperative
o    Don’t try to make friends with your boss
o    Listen rather then speak – learn as much as possible about your job and the company
o    Work hard and don’t spend too much time chatting or resting
o    Keep your desk tidy at all time, don’t argue with anyone
o    Put on casual clothes
o    Go out for a walk before the interview ti relax
o    Think about the job and write down your strengths and weaknesses
o    Find out information about the company
o    Take down notes during the interview
o    Make up information about yourself
o    Go into a lot of detail about your personal life
o    Speak up and express yourself clearly
o    Sit up straight and maintain eye contact

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